Homemade Soup Supper Fundraiser Ideas | National Homemade Soup Day, Feb. 4

Homemade Soup Supper Fundraiser Ideas

National Homemade Soup Day, February 4, Perfect Day for a Soup Supper Fundraiser

National Homemade Soup Day is February 4. This is the perfect time to have a Soup Supper fundraiser. Be sure to promote your supper as a celebration of this national day. Everyone will want to join in and have soup to celebrate the day. And, who can resist a hot bowl of homemade soup on a cold February day?

A Homemade Soup Supper is an easy fundraising idea for your club, group, church, or Sunday School class. Any winter week-end is a great time for a soup supper, but add in the special national day and it’s sure to be a winner! Super Bowl Sunday is also a great time for a “Souper” Bowl Supper. Don’t let these special days in February pass you by as a fundraising opportunity.

National Homemade Soup Day Is the Perfect Time for a Soup Supper Fundraiser!

National Homemade Soup Day is the Perfect Time for a Soup Supper Fundraiser!

How to Plan Your Homemade Soup Supper Fundraiser

How to Plan Your Homemade Soup Supper Fundraiser

It’s easy to plan a soup supper fundraiser. The first thing to do is have a planning meeting. At that meeting, decide the date, time, and place for your supper. Decide on a menu, make a list of things you’ll need for the supper (ex: soup, crackers, drinks, dessert, serving ware) and from that make a donation list and purchase list, and assign jobs to your members.

For your Soup Supper, the members of your group should donate their favorite homemade soup. Members that do not have time to cook (or don’t want to cook) could donate the extras, like crackers, drinks, and disposable bowls and cutlery. You might also want to include a variety of desserts. Decide what you’ll need to take out of your current funds to supplement member donations. Also, assign members to set up, serve, and for the clean up afterwards. Decide on an admission price for adults and a lower price for children. Make sure your price is enough to net you a profit.

Planning Meeting Decisions:

  • Date, Time, Place for Soup Supper
  • Menu
  • Member Donation List
  • Purchase List
  • Assign Jobs
  • Decide Admission Price
  • Promote!

When planning your soup supper, don’t forget to assign members to promote! You can’t make sales if no one knows about your fundraiser. If you are having your supper on or near February 4th, be sure to promote that your supper features all homemade soup in honor of National Homemade Soup Day.

Plan and Promote your Soup Supper as a National Homemade Soup Day celebration!

Need ideas? Amazon has lots of homemade soup cookbooks!

National Homemade Soup Day, February 4

National Homemade Soup Day, Feb 4

Find Out More About National Homemade Soup Day

Read the article, National Homemade Soup Day, by NationalDayCalendar.com, to find out more about the history of this national day and how you can celebrate it.

National Day Calendar Fundraiser

There is also a National Day Calendar Fundraiser! You could use this as an additional fundraiser during the month of February and offer it during your other fundraising campaigns.

Unique Opportunity for Fundraising

There are many unique opportunities for fundraising in February using National Days as a guide. See more ideas here: February National Days Fundraising Ideas

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